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Three Panel Members Visit Camden's Complaint Team

In July 2024, three panel members attended one of the council buildings to gain insight into how the complaint team works. 

Nermin Hassan, casework team manager, gave a presentation (attached below) on the systems the complaints team uses, what areas they cover, how they receive and deal with complaints and what teams are involved in responding to complaints. 

The panel members provided great feedback on what themes and trends the team can prioritise on to tackle the number of complaints they receive. and found the experience helpful in understanding the process. 

Read the presentation here

Posted on 19th July 2024

by Tahmina Akhter

Councillor Sagal Abdi-Wali and Tony Castle, Head of Repairs and Operations attend session three


Scot Reid, Head of Property and Customer Service Engagement  began the session by introducing Councillor Sagal Abdi -Wali, the Cabinet Member for Better Homes and Tony Castle, the head of repairs and operations to the panel. 

Understanding Complaint settings

Nermin Hassan, the casework team manager, and Emma Foxall, the casework team manager, led the first half of the session. They presented to the panel which is responsible for complaint handling, explained the difference between the regulator of social housing and ombudsman services, explained Camden's code of practice when dealing with complaints, and lastly, opened the floor for feedback on Camden's current complaints policy. 

Tony Castle  - The Head of Repairs and Operations

The panel requested that Tony attend this session to discuss concerns regarding repairs and understand the process of repairs and operations.  Tony explained what his team does and his responsibilities and informed them of his plans to invest in devices where operatives can book appointments and repairs on their device while they are at the property with the residents to make home visits more efficient. The panels were also informed that the repairs team is now working with district-based teams. A team is allocated for each district, and they will be responsible for repairs and appointments for their own district. 

Panel Discussion Highlights 

  • Camden's resident and the council's repair responsibility leaflet: The panel members were very pleased with the leaflet and found it informative. Many vulnerable residents are not aware of tenants' responsibilities towards their property. 
  • The panel has suggested creating a leaflet for TMO properties to highlight the responsibilities of TMOs and the council towards TMO properties.
  • House Mark and TSM figures: Thomas Broad, Consultation and Engagement manager, presented the house Mark and TSM figures to the panel. These figures will be available to the public. Please see the attachments. 
  • Complaint satisfaction levels: Once a complaint is completed or resolved, a third-party company, KWEST, contacts residents to collect feedback on how the complaint was dealt with. These figures are also available to the public. 
  • Communication: The panel highlighted current concerns regarding communication. Text messages sent to residents about appointments and repairs are unclear. Heads of service have promised to investigate this and come back with plans to make improvements to text messages and phone lines. 
  • Lesson Learned Lead: Camden has now hired a lesson-learned lead staff member who will be pivotal in systematically gathering, analysing, and disseminating insights from Camden's project experiences. Collaborating closely with diverse teams, stakeholders, and subject matter experts, they'll pinpoint key lessons, best practices, and areas for improvement. 

Read the Complaints Setting Session here

Posted on 18th July 2024

by Tahmina Akhter

The Housing and Property Customer Experience Oversight Panel - Session Two

The panel met for the second panel session on the 23rd of April, 2024. 

Scot Reid gave the panel members a brief welcome and introduction and an overview of the second session. 

Juliana Beshiri, Product Delivery Manager

Juliana introduced the panel members to the systems we use to extract resident feedback, KWEST and Govemtrics. The data extracted from the surveys included the themes and trends within the day-to-day repairs, voids repairs and mechanical and engineering repairs (M&E). The panel Members were given the questions KWEST and Govemtrics use to carry out the surveys, and we asked them for feedback and if we needed to add or remove any questions from the current survey. 

Juliana explained the increase and decrease in Camden's customer satisfaction levels. Based on the surveys, most residents weren't satisfied with the service because they didn't get the appointment they wanted or repairs that the council did not carry out. 

Nermin Hassan, Casework Team Manager

Nermin provided an overview of data from the case management team from 2023-2024. The data showed how quickly the complaints team responded to cases and the common themes and trends. 

Nermin discussed the reasons for the increase and decrease in the number of cases the team have to deal with. Based on the data provided, there was an increase in the instances where staff were on leave or had left the team. Since the pandemic, many staff have suffered from various issues (health-wise). We know this can impact services, and we are working hard to improve staff ratios and workload. 

Complaints Panel Presentation.pptx

Panel Members Queries:

  • Communication: Discussion around how Camden communicates with residents. What is working and what isn't? How can Camden improve the communication between the council and the residents? The message isn't clear to residents. 
  • Text message Survey: The system needs to be updated as text messages automatically go out to residents even if a repair hasn't been completed. 
  • Fire Safety: Concerns with Residents not being made aware of new changes. They want an overview of what plans Camden has in place regarding fire safety
  • Missed appointments: Discussions around missed appointments. Complaints cases could see a massive drop if Camden investigates missed appointments and finds a way to prevent them from happening as often.
  • satisfaction level by contractors: The panel members would like to see data collected for repairs carried out by external contractors to identify where the fault is and the themes and trends from the contractor's side.

Next Panel Session

We asked the panel members who they would like to attend for future sessions to explain how they prevent recurring complaints in their areas. The panel members have shown an interest in looking at data from specific contractors, voids team and call centre managers.


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Posted on 7th May 2024

by Tahmina Akhter

Three members of the Resident Panel visited one of our Council Buildings

In March 

In March, three members of the panel attended one of the council buildings to gain insight into how the repairs team works. They looked at the statistics of incoming calls, text messages, and emails from anyone reporting a repair-related issue, how data is collected, and what platforms we use to communicate with residents.

The panel members provided great feedback and found the experience helpful in understanding the process.

Posted on 7th May 2024

by Tahmina Akhter

First Housing Customer Experience Oversight Panel Session

On the 7th of February 2024, The Housing Customer Experience Oversight Panel session's first session was held. 

The session was attended by panel members, Head of Property Customer Services and Engagement Scot Reid, Councillor Meric Apak, Casework Team Manager Nermin Hassan, Product Delivery Manager Juliana Beshiri, and Comms and Engagement Team officers. It began with an introduction to Camden's Housing and Property services from Scot Reid. It also focused on: 

  • Introducing members to panel processes
  • informing the members of the types of complaints and statistics we will be looking at and discussing during these sessions
  • Ways of working
  • Panel members discussed what issues and topics they would like to discuss in future sessions

The panel members were invited to visit the repairs contact centre prior to the next panel session to observe how agents engage with residents both over calls and online platforms. 

Posted on 1st March 2024

by Tahmina Akhter